About Dietician Neelam Dhanagar

best dietician in ahmedabad

Dietician Neelam Dhanagar

Reshape Slimming Wellness & Diet Center is a Registered Trademark Company, Dietician Neelam Dhanagar is the owner of the company. Dietician Neelam Dhanagar is working as a Dietician from 12 years, worked with various gyms and hospitals, and serving all over the world Online like the USA, DUBAI, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, PHILIPINES. Dietician Neelam Dhanagar is One of the Best Dieticians in Ahmedabad . her experience and knowledge helped a number of patients to adopt a healthy life. All her diet plans are easy to adopt and will give tremendous results. She is undoubtedly the best and most experienced Nutritionist and Dietician.

She is handling her clients personally, tracking their results personally. understanding their psychology, motivating them toward their goals.

handling patients of diabetes, thyroid, bp, cholesterol, pcod , ibs, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal disorders, arthritis, weight gain , and weight loss.

Providing a balanced diet for Weight loss, weight gain, pcod , pcos, ibs, cholesterol, thyroid, hormonal imbalance, arthritis, sports person, athletes,teenagers, child, family nutrition 





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